July 26, 2024

Shortly after my previous “experimental post” – which I’m glad to see was a success – my phone died, too.  I blame it on the sheer volume of food consumed at The French Laundry – along with my obsessive need to photograph each and every course that came out of the kitchen.

Devoid of communication and documentation I nevertheless soldiered on eating (and drinking) my way across the Napa Valley.

Ultimately I found salvation yesterday afternoon in the arms of a generous stranger at the St. Helena public library who allowed me to jump onto his Mac and reboot my gear.  So I am back in business – if just a little bit behind schedule.  (A red-eye out of San Fran last night is not helping, I hasten to add)

Check back tomorrow and the rest of the week, however, for an almost-live blog detailing the Herculean amount of calories consumed and my flirtation with gout.

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