July 26, 2024

MIAMI:  A last-minute jaunt down to Miami ended the year in travel with a bang.  Yet again, it wasn’t nearly as warm as expected – a recurring theme this year, no? – but how can you complain when you’re walking around in shorts the week before Christmas and watching Micheal Jordan play golf outside your balcony?  The highlight:  catching up with old friends down in the Design District at Michelle Bernstein’s Sra. Martinez, where we wisely decided to let the captain order for us. Plate after plate of fresh tapas came out of the kitchen like a tasting menu gone wild – not that anyone’s taste buds complained. (Plus, it was good practice for next month’s upcoming trip to Madrid.) One menu item I’m determined to try at home come 2011:  crispy eggplant, drizzled with molasses and sea salt.  The delicate savory crunch, mixed with a dash of sweet and salt, was as addictive as … well, travel.

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